Best Time To Buy

What is the Best Time of the Year to Buy or Sell Real Estate in Oregon

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When is the best time to buy or sell a home in Oregon?
A review of the past decade shows Oregon home prices at their lowest in January and highest in June. This is somewhat related to weather, as the beginning of the year tends to be cooler and rainy in most parts of the state. Buyers and sellers with school age children still consider the school calendar when considering a sale or purchase. Interest rates play an important role, as well.

In 2020 Oregon home prices were the lowest in April and the highest in November. However, this has much to do with the unusual pandemic environment and historically low inventory of homes for sale.

An important point to keep in mind, whether you’re a buyer or seller -- condition is critical. A poorly-maintained home won't get top dollar, even in the best month or in the best market. Conversely, a beautifully-maintained, correctly priced home, should perform well no matter the season. 

In short, any time can be a great time to buy or sell, depending on your circumstances. Call Lisa today to discuss, 503-970-0076.

In the market to buy or sell? Lisa Hamilton, Hamilton Realty, will provide you with personal, professional representation you can take to the bank.

If you're considering buying or selling a home in Portland, or in one of the many wonderful suburban or rural areas, Lisa has the experience, training and contacts you need to find just the right home for you and your family. She also has decades of experience helping sellers get the highest price, with fewest hassles, in the shortest time possible. Please take a look at testimonials from a few of the many happy clients Lisa has served over the years. To learn more and to schedule a no-obligation consultation, contact Lisa today, 503-970-0076.